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Adding IPv6 Addresses to Dedicated Servers
Posted by Kevin Stange on 11 August 2010 05:41 PM
Please note that these directions assume your server is either already configured with a Main IPv6 Address or that you have visited to obtain the correct information.


Activating IPv6 addresses varies by operating system. Please find the section below for the operating system installed on your server and follow the directions carefully to ensure the IPs are properly configured. If your operating system is not listed here, you will need to consult your OS documentation for instructions on configuring IPv6 addresses. We cannot provide IP configuration support for unsupported operating systems.

If you are experiencing difficulty for any reason, please open a new ticket with the IPs department, and include the information necessary to log into your server remotely. We'll be happy to assist you in adding the addresses to your server.

In the sections below, replace the bracketed text (remove the brackets) with the information provided above. The value of the Prefix Length is the number after (not including) the slash in your IP range.

The Address may be anything within your assigned block besides the router address. For more information on IPv6 formatting and numbering, please see:

Please note that on Linux, FreeBSD or MacOS systems, you will need to use the "ping6" utility to ping or "traceroute6" utility to traceroute to an IPv6 address. In Windows, the usual "ping" and "tracert" utilities recognize IPv6 addresses.

CentOS, Fedora, Red Hat Linux, and variants

Edit /etc/sysconfig/network and update the NETWORKING_IPV6 line to read:


Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and verify or add the following lines:

IPV6ADDR="[Main IPv6 Address]/[Prefix Length]"
IPV6_DEFAULTGW="[Default Gateway]"

If these lines do not exist, see for information on determining the correct values.

To add additional IPv6 addresses, insert this additional line in the same file:

IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES="[Address] [Address]"

You may enter as many as you like, separated by spaces.

Now run the following command to apply the configuration:

/etc/init.d/network restart

Debian, Ubuntu, and variants

Edit /etc/network/interfaces and verify or add the following lines:

iface eth0 inet6 static
address [Main IPv6 Address]
netmask [Prefix Length]
gateway [Default Gateway]

If these lines do not exist, see for information on determining the correct values.

To add additional IPv6 addresses, insert this additional line in the same file immediately following the gateway:

up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 inet6 add [Address]

You may include as many lines as you like.

Now run the following command to apply the configuration:

/etc/init.d/networking restart


Run 'ifconfig' to identify the name of your interface. It is often fxp0 or em0 or nfe0 and almost always ends with a zero.

Edit /etc/rc.conf and verify or add the following lines:

ipv6_ifconfig_[Interface]="[Main IPv6 Address] prefixlen [Prefix Length]"
ipv6_defaultrouter="[Default Gateway]"

If these lines do not exist, see for information on determining the correct values.

To add additional IPv6 addresses, insert this additional line in the same file:

ifconfig_lo0_alias0="inet6 [Address] prefixlen [Prefix]"

You may include as many lines as you like, but for each additional line, increment the number after "alias" (such as "alias1", "alias2").

Now run the following command to apply the configuration:

/etc/rc.d/network_ipv6 restart

If you receive the message:

[Default Gateway]%[Interface]: hostname nor servname provided, or not known

Try changing the line in /etc/rc.conf to:

ipv6_defaultrouter="[Default Gateway]"

Then, repeat:

/etc/rc.d/network_ipv6 restart

Windows 2003

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Network Connections > Local Area Connection
  2. Click "Properties"
  3. Click "Install", select "Protocol", and click "Add..."
  4. Select "Microsoft TCP/IP version 6" and click "OK"
  5. Click "OK" to close out of the dialog
  6. Go to Start > Run, then type "netsh" and click "OK"
  7. Type "interface ipv6" and press Enter
  8. Type 'add route ::/0 "Local Area Connection" [Default Gateway]', substituting your real router in place of '[Default Gateway]', then press Enter
  9. Type 'add address "Local Area Connection" [Address]', substituting your real IPv6 address in place of '[Address]', then press Enter
  10. If you need to enter additional IPv6 addresses, repeat the previous command for each additional address
  11. When done, type "exit" to exit "netsh"

Windows 2008

  1. Go to Start > Server Manager
  2. Click "View Network Connections" in the "Server Summary"
  3. Right click the connection to edit and select "Properties"
  4. Select "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)" and click "Properties"
  5. Select "Use the following IPv6 address"
  6. Enter the requested address information, including the Address, Prefix Length, and Default Gateway.
  7. Enter "2607:f128:1::2" and "2607:f128:1::3" in the Preferred and Alternate DNS Server fields.
  8. If you need to enter additional IPv6 addresses, click the "Advanced..." button and enter them in the upper "IP addresses" section using the "Add..." button.
  9. Click OK to close out of each dialog box.

If you have any problems with any procedures in this article, please feel free to contact support.


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